In the world of Energy, opposite and ironic things often fit together and make sense. You can feel Grounded AND Connected, Peaceful AND Energized, “Glued” to the Reiki table AND Light and FREE.
In this challenging time in our world and this nation, can we still choose to be Grateful? Do we feel guilty if we feel Happy?
I Believe we can (and should) be informed and aware, be in our Compassionate, Empathetic Hearts AND make conscious Choices about our Energy and Presence in this world.
As Healers and Light Workers, THE most important and most Powerful thing we can do is to keep ourselves in as best a Balance as “Humanly” possible, keep our personal Vibrations up, and hold the Light of the Highest Possible Vision for Healing. The MORE of us that can do this consciously, the more we create the Possibility for individual and collective Healing.
We do not have the luxury of allowing ourselves to stay pulled into the drama of fear, stress or worry for any prolonged period of time. Although we are Spiritual beings, we are certainly having a very human experience. Being totally in Integrity, we allow ourselves to fully experience every emotion, and then Consciously Choose to BREATHE, and bring ourselves back to our place of Peace within. From that place, we can send Light and Healing Energy and BE the Peace we wish to see in the World.
Allow yourself to feel and express Joy, Love and Gratitude today and every day. It is your best and most important role. <3
LOVE- it is sometimes an overused word, and taken much too lightly. Yet, the word itself carries a Vibration that is Healing whenever thought or spoken with Feeling. When I say every day that I LOVE my work , what I really mean is I LOVE YOU! How can you Love me, you may think…
Reiki is a very Connecting, Heart-felt, Unconditionally Loving Energy. When I place my hands on or above you, I literally fall in Love with you. There is no other way to explain it. I FEEL you and become one with you. It is Empathy, Compassion and yes LOVE. We are meant to do this- to reflect the Beauty and Truth of each other. I want you to Love yourself as deeply and unconditionally as I Love you. I want you to Remember how Powerful you are when you become consciously aware of your Light, and the Magnetism of your thoughts, words, attitudes and beliefs. When you do, you will be a Healing Presence for all others to remember their Light and their Truth. This, my friends, is how we Heal our World.
I LOVE YOU!! Isn’t that AWE-some!
1) SMILE – Increases Serotonin (feel-good hormone) for you and the recipient! Improves you Immune System and Wellness
2)Meditate – actually changes your brain for increased Happiness. Twice a day for 10 minutes each keeps Cortisol reduced. Deep breathing calms your body and you think clearer. Focus on a word or mantra – “I AM too Blessed to be stressed”. Can do walking Meditation (Meditation Evening first Thurs. of every month in ReikiSpace).
3) Gratitude- cultivates Happiness. Physiologically impossible to be stressed and grateful at the same time. Gratitude Journal- 3-5 things every morning and evening. Floods us with endorphins which energize us and enhance our health
4)Random acts of Kindness – Doing nice things for others increases our own Happiness. What you extend to others you get back 10 fold.
5) Socializing/Social Support
6) Creative outlets – journaling, Art
7)Music- health and stress benefits
8)Laughter- reduces stress hormones, increases endorphins, strengthens immune system, increases energy and reduces fatigue. Fun/ Play/ Share your Joy! Keep things in perspective!
9)Setting Boundaries and Priorities – Address problems rather than being negative or complaining. Honor your core values. Learn to say NO. Offer a solution- Visualize and help create it. Wayne Dyer says “You’ll see it when you Believe it”
If angry ask: a) Is it worth it? b) Is my anger appropriate c) Is there something I can do about it? d) Is it worth it?. If YES – express in a healthy way
10) Eat Breakfast. Skipping breakfast increases Cortisol for the entire day.
11) Exercise
12) Get help- talk about it
13) Relaxation Exercises
14) Be Positive
16) Self care is not Selfish! Filling yourself up allows you to share from a Healthy place so you won’t feel drained, burned out or resentful.
17) DO LESS- You DO have a Choice!
18) REIKI ~ Peaceful , Relaxing, Centering, Balancing, Grounding
The Holiday Season is a Wonderful time of Love, Light and Connection. It can also generate a lot of stress, especially for successful busy Business women trying to wear our many hats. This can be challenging enough on a day-to-day basis, but now there are gifts to choose and wrap, family events to attend (not to mention complex family dynamics), and the stirred-up emotions dealing with the frenetic energy which abounds everywhere this time of year.
Reiki can be a way to keep yourself “Filled-Up”, so that when you choose to share your precious time and energy with your friends, family and co-workers, you do so from a Healthy and Loving place, rather than becoming drained, burned-out or resentful.
Reiki is a Natural, Holistic Hands-On Healing technique which is very Gentle and Deeply Relaxing. It is primarily for reducing stress, promoting Balance, and restoring Inner Peace. It is shared fully-clothed on a massage-type table. Within the course of an hour, people typically feel their stress, and the underlying sources, simply melt away. It is also very energizing, and after their sessions, my clients report increased creativity and productivity. Their energy is calm and focused as they move forwards with their busy days and lives.
Reiki can work physically, assisting with both pain issues and muscle tension. It also works deeply at the mental/emotional level releasing what no longer serves you, as you are ready. It helps you feel connected, and is unconditionally accepting and non-judgmental. Additionally, you can learn self-Reiki which is a practical tool in your own hands whenever you are feeling anxious or having trouble sleeping. You can share Reiki with your family and pets. Moving forwards on the Reiki Path means “Living Reiki”. You become conscious of how the energy of all your words, thoughts, attitudes and emotions affect your own well-being as well as everyone around you. Although life will always continue to have its challenges, you can learn to bring yourself back to your place of Inner Peace easier and quicker.
In alignment with the Reiki Healing Principles, here are my wishes for you throughout the Holidays and into the upcoming New Year:
May you REMEMBER what you Love, what Sparks you, and brings you endless, timeless Joy. May you Consciously Create more time for these things in your life.
May you Forgive yourself and others for the sake of Peace.
May you remember that we are ALL doing the Best that we can with the Knowledge, Wisdom and Experiences we bring to this moment. This will allow you to see with the eyes of Compassion.
May you know how precious your Energy is, and Choose Loving and Peaceful words, thoughts and attitudes every day. May you attract the same.
May you remember that life’s challenging people and situations are a GIFT helping you learn and grow in ways that you wouldn’t/couldn’t have chosen on your own.
May you find the Perfect Balance of Quiet Introspection, Service, Connection, Laughter and PLAY.
May you Receive your Heart’s Desire, and most importantly, may you KNOW that you are Worthy and Deserving of Receiving.
May you continue to be of Loving Purposeful Service Always.
May you keep things in Perspective and Remember to BREATHE.
May you Feel the Peace, Contentment and Joy Within You.
May you remember that we NEED each other. Allow yourself to be Vulnerable and Receive, for this allows others the Joy of Sharing too.
Here is the link for this week’s appearance on Good Day PA. Enjoy!
I am so Excited to announce that Reiki by Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place has been chosen for the 2015 Readers Choice Award by Harrisburg Magazine Readers in the Category of Alternative Medical Specialist!
Thank YOU so much! This is a Wonderful boost for Reiki!
Thanks to my good friend Joyce Edmiston, my recent interview by Amy Kehm on the ABC Channel 27 News program Good Day PA was transcribed Teresa Russ, professional captionist. There will be captions available for the video soon, as well.
ABC Channel 27 News
An Interview with Rickie Freedman
Reiki By Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place
GOOD DAY PA: When it comes to healing techniques like Reiki, I think some people are skeptical of whether or not the practice actually works, but for some, it has a profound effect on their health and well being. Rickie Freedman is the owner of Reiki by Rickie, and she is here to get us on board with it.
Honestly, before I met you and experienced it, I wasn’t really sure what Reiki was; so I’m sure there’s lots of folks that feel that way; so what is it, Rickie?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: True. A lot of people are skeptical the first time that they try it, and it’s very much an experience – once you feel it, then you understand it. Reiki is a very gentle and very deeply relaxing hands on healing. It was originally from Japan, primarily for stress management, and we know that stress underlies probably 90 some percent of doctor’s visits.
Helping people relax is a very deeply healing experience itself; so Reiki helps to balance your energy, and then you feel more peaceful and able to handle all the stresses around you and in a much more calm way.
GOOD DAY PA: I mean, what is a session like? What happens during a session?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Reiki is a very comfortable session. You get to be fully clothed. You’re on a massage table, and there’s absolutely nothing that you need to do, think about or try. You get to just relax and allow and be. It consists of a gentle light touch and also some balancing in your energy. Reiki is an energy balancing. A lot of people can feel that even though I’m not physically touching them. GOOD DAY PA: Yes, you had described that to me.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: So people describe feelings of warmth, tingling, sometimes vibration. Many people fall asleep or go to a very deep meditative state where your mind is finally quieted and that is a very healing place to be.
GOOD DAY PA: Well, Rickie was so nice. She actually let me come experience it before your appearance here on the show. I found it very relaxing, and I told you that, when you were doing this with me, I did feel like my face felt warm at some point, you know, and now I was under a nice cozy blanket, which was lovely, but I did feel that warmth.
It just felt so relaxing like I could have just zoned out from everyday life for a little bit. Do other folks share the similar experience?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Absolutely, yes, and that deep sense of peace and calm and relaxation is a very common after effective Reiki, and when you go back out into the world with that more peaceful centered place, you’re able to handle all the stresses around you much easier, and so Reiki can be experienced by everyone.
Everyone can tolerate Reiki because of how gentle it is; so from the tiniest little newborn infants, to women who are pregnant, even people on a hospice program because of how gentle it is. It can help bring a more peaceful acceptance, also can help with pain or side effects of medication.
GOOD DAY PA: Well, I want to get to the special event that is coming up. This is really neat. I mean, who doesn’t love a fun time at sea so tell me about this.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: This is a really unusual opportunity. Next January, January 16th of 2016, I’m co-producing the Healing Water Holistic Cruise with Scott Travel in Mechaicsburg; so in addition to all the regular cruise and fun and activities, you’ll get to experience the work of six healers and practitioners as they share sessions and workshops onboard —
GOOD DAY PA: Now, another thing our audience — excuse me — might be interested in is a special offer you have just for the Day PA viewers today.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: That’s right. Anyone who contacts me by the end of this month we can get you scheduled for your first session in ReikiSpace & Learning Place, and you’ll receive a ten-dollar discount.
GOOD DAY PA: Woohoo! Ten-dollar discount. Love when folks bring offers for our viewers.
It was lovely having you on the show today. You’re going to come back with us to share more about this in the coming weeks.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Looking forward to it.
GOOD DAY PA: Okay. Rickie, good to see you. We’ll see you again soon.
[End of Transcript]
Transcribed by:
I’m very excited to share the Gentle Touch and Deep Healing of Reiki to a broader audience, as I was interviewed on ABC27 Good Day PA this week. I want everyone to know how Peaceful and Natural this is, so that Reiki becomes a household word!
Please listen at:
Feel free to Share!
Joy and Namaste’, Rickie
If you find yourself shaking your head “YES” to these questions, then YOU may be Sensitive! Sensitivity has it’s Gifts and it’s Challenges, and lots of Sensitive people are attracted to Reiki. Reiki is what I have termed an EMS- Energy Management System. One of the Unique things about Reiki as form of Energy work is that you NEVER have to take on anyone else’s stuff, and you NEVER have to give away any of your personal energy. Reiki is very Heart Centered and Connected. You learn how to build your Light. When you enter with your Light shining, there is no fear and no need for “protection”. Anything less than Light can be Healed by your Light, or go away.
One of the first things you learn in a Reiki l Class is Self-Healing. You can connect to the Higher Frequency Healing Energy all around us and fill yourself up everyday! When you to choose to share Healing from this filled-up place, the Energy will flow through you and not from you! It will feel Wonderful and Healing to you also.
As you move forward on the Reiki path, you will learn how to tap into your Intuitive abilities consciously AND how to stay Grounded. When you are Grounded, you will feel stable and balanced, and more able to handle the challenges around you. You can share your Gifts with the world and still feel Peaceful and Energized.
Sending Reiki Healing your way….Rickie
Reiki has been a literal life saver/life changer for me.
8 years ago, my son Ryan chose to transition. He was adopted at 4 days old, and had a very challenging life. He ultimately was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia. We were deeply spiritually connected. He helped me learn in the deepest way the lessons of Unconditional Love and acceptance. My world was literally turned upside down.
I distinctly remember walking into my Reiki Room very soon after and the Reiki Healing Principles coming to me face to face. They “spoke” to me and said “Are these just words, or are you really going to choose to live by these?” I knew in that moment that I had a choice whether to really live or just exist. Society would have given me every excuse to be a Victim, but that was not my choice. It also came to me that I would be offering a Workshop entitled “From Grief to Gratitude”. It took me 4 years to be ready, and I have now shared that workshop 3 times. Reiki helped me move forwards in a Healthy, Positive, Open-Hearted way, and use my personal experience to help others.
I Love that Reiki is simple. It is easy to learn. It is a way to choose to BE in the world, living consciously aware of the energy of your thoughts, words and attitudes. I Love that I don’t need to (or get to) decide what happens in Reiki. It is always for the Highest Good and Greatest Joy in every moment. I Love that it is empowering, so you always have something Positive and Loving to offer in every situation whether it is about you, across the world, or even in another time. I Love that there is no competition, so everyone ends up with the exact right teacher and Healer for them, based on resonation.
I absolutely Love sharing Reiki with others with my hands, my words, and my entire BEing. Reiki is Unconditional, non-judgmental Love. A Gift. Namaste ‘