Reiki has been a literal life saver/life changer for me.
8 years ago, my son Ryan chose to transition. He was adopted at 4 days old, and had a very challenging life. He ultimately was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia. We were deeply spiritually connected. He helped me learn in the deepest way the lessons of Unconditional Love and acceptance. My world was literally turned upside down.
I distinctly remember walking into my Reiki Room very soon after and the Reiki Healing Principles coming to me face to face. They “spoke” to me and said “Are these just words, or are you really going to choose to live by these?” I knew in that moment that I had a choice whether to really live or just exist. Society would have given me every excuse to be a Victim, but that was not my choice. It also came to me that I would be offering a Workshop entitled “From Grief to Gratitude”. It took me 4 years to be ready, and I have now shared that workshop 3 times. Reiki helped me move forwards in a Healthy, Positive, Open-Hearted way, and use my personal experience to help others.
I Love that Reiki is simple. It is easy to learn. It is a way to choose to BE in the world, living consciously aware of the energy of your thoughts, words and attitudes. I Love that I don’t need to (or get to) decide what happens in Reiki. It is always for the Highest Good and Greatest Joy in every moment. I Love that it is empowering, so you always have something Positive and Loving to offer in every situation whether it is about you, across the world, or even in another time. I Love that there is no competition, so everyone ends up with the exact right teacher and Healer for them, based on resonation.
I absolutely Love sharing Reiki with others with my hands, my words, and my entire BEing. Reiki is Unconditional, non-judgmental Love. A Gift. Namaste ‘
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