Reiki is a gentle and deeply relaxing Healing Modality which everyone can learn! In your Reiki I class you will learn how your Energy directly connects with your physical body, self-healing, and the skills to utilize Reiki Energy to begin healing others. You will receive your Reiki I Attunement, Manual and Certificate. Classes are 9:30am-5:30pm. $200 includes “Radiating our Reiki LIght” Book by Rickie Freedman
Includes everything in Reiki l Class plus additional information to incorporate Reiki into a traditional practice, and an additional manual which includes Reiki Research and Reiki in Hospitals. $220
Empower your Reiki and Enhance your skills and confidence. Learn to heal on the underlying mental/emotional level, and techniques for Distance Healing. You will receive your Reiki Il Attunement, Manual and Certificate. Reiki II. Classes are 9:30am-5:30pm. $225
Begin to incorporate the Reiki Healing Principles into your life and work. Become fully comfortable sharing Reiki sessions, and talking about Reiki with clients and Healthcare Professionals. You will be fully ready to conduct an “Introduction to Reiki” Workshop after this class. You will receive your Reiki lllA Attunement, Manual and Certificate. Reiki IIIA . Classes are 9:30am-5:30pm. $300
Learn the techniques to pass Attunements for every level of Reiki, and Healing Attunements. You will be able to begin teaching Reiki after this class. You will receive your Reiki IIIB Attunement, Manual and Certificate. Reiki IIIB . Classes are 9:30am-5:30pm. $350