LOVE- it is sometimes an overused word, and taken much too lightly. Yet, the word itself carries a Vibration that is Healing whenever thought or spoken with Feeling. When I say every day that I LOVE my work , what I really mean is I LOVE YOU! How can you Love me, you may think…
Reiki is a very Connecting, Heart-felt, Unconditionally Loving Energy. When I place my hands on or above you, I literally fall in Love with you. There is no other way to explain it. I FEELÂ you and become one with you. It is Empathy, Compassion and yes LOVE. We are meant to do this- to reflect the Beauty and Truth of each other. I want you to Love yourself as deeply and unconditionally as I Love you. I want you to Remember how Powerful you are when you become consciously aware of your Light, and the Magnetism of your thoughts, words, attitudes and beliefs. When you do, you will be a Healing Presence for all others to remember their Light and their Truth. This, my friends, is how we Heal our World.
I LOVE YOU!! Isn’t that AWE-some!
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