Here is the link for this week’s appearance on Good Day PA. Enjoy!
Thanks to my good friend Joyce Edmiston, my recent interview by Amy Kehm on the ABC Channel 27 News program Good Day PA was transcribed Teresa Russ, professional captionist. There will be captions available for the video soon, as well.
ABC Channel 27 News
An Interview with Rickie Freedman
Reiki By Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place
GOOD DAY PA: When it comes to healing techniques like Reiki, I think some people are skeptical of whether or not the practice actually works, but for some, it has a profound effect on their health and well being. Rickie Freedman is the owner of Reiki by Rickie, and she is here to get us on board with it.
Honestly, before I met you and experienced it, I wasn’t really sure what Reiki was; so I’m sure there’s lots of folks that feel that way; so what is it, Rickie?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: True. A lot of people are skeptical the first time that they try it, and it’s very much an experience – once you feel it, then you understand it. Reiki is a very gentle and very deeply relaxing hands on healing. It was originally from Japan, primarily for stress management, and we know that stress underlies probably 90 some percent of doctor’s visits.
Helping people relax is a very deeply healing experience itself; so Reiki helps to balance your energy, and then you feel more peaceful and able to handle all the stresses around you and in a much more calm way.
GOOD DAY PA: I mean, what is a session like? What happens during a session?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Reiki is a very comfortable session. You get to be fully clothed. You’re on a massage table, and there’s absolutely nothing that you need to do, think about or try. You get to just relax and allow and be. It consists of a gentle light touch and also some balancing in your energy. Reiki is an energy balancing. A lot of people can feel that even though I’m not physically touching them. GOOD DAY PA: Yes, you had described that to me.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: So people describe feelings of warmth, tingling, sometimes vibration. Many people fall asleep or go to a very deep meditative state where your mind is finally quieted and that is a very healing place to be.
GOOD DAY PA: Well, Rickie was so nice. She actually let me come experience it before your appearance here on the show. I found it very relaxing, and I told you that, when you were doing this with me, I did feel like my face felt warm at some point, you know, and now I was under a nice cozy blanket, which was lovely, but I did feel that warmth.
It just felt so relaxing like I could have just zoned out from everyday life for a little bit. Do other folks share the similar experience?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Absolutely, yes, and that deep sense of peace and calm and relaxation is a very common after effective Reiki, and when you go back out into the world with that more peaceful centered place, you’re able to handle all the stresses around you much easier, and so Reiki can be experienced by everyone.
Everyone can tolerate Reiki because of how gentle it is; so from the tiniest little newborn infants, to women who are pregnant, even people on a hospice program because of how gentle it is. It can help bring a more peaceful acceptance, also can help with pain or side effects of medication.
GOOD DAY PA: Well, I want to get to the special event that is coming up. This is really neat. I mean, who doesn’t love a fun time at sea so tell me about this.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: This is a really unusual opportunity. Next January, January 16th of 2016, I’m co-producing the Healing Water Holistic Cruise with Scott Travel in Mechaicsburg; so in addition to all the regular cruise and fun and activities, you’ll get to experience the work of six healers and practitioners as they share sessions and workshops onboard —
GOOD DAY PA: Now, another thing our audience — excuse me — might be interested in is a special offer you have just for the Day PA viewers today.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: That’s right. Anyone who contacts me by the end of this month we can get you scheduled for your first session in ReikiSpace & Learning Place, and you’ll receive a ten-dollar discount.
GOOD DAY PA: Woohoo! Ten-dollar discount. Love when folks bring offers for our viewers.
It was lovely having you on the show today. You’re going to come back with us to share more about this in the coming weeks.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Looking forward to it.
GOOD DAY PA: Okay. Rickie, good to see you. We’ll see you again soon.
[End of Transcript]
Transcribed by:
If you find yourself shaking your head “YES” to these questions, then YOU may be Sensitive! Sensitivity has it’s Gifts and it’s Challenges, and lots of Sensitive people are attracted to Reiki. Reiki is what I have termed an EMS- Energy Management System. One of the Unique things about Reiki as form of Energy work is that you NEVER have to take on anyone else’s stuff, and you NEVER have to give away any of your personal energy. Reiki is very Heart Centered and Connected. You learn how to build your Light. When you enter with your Light shining, there is no fear and no need for “protection”. Anything less than Light can be Healed by your Light, or go away.
One of the first things you learn in a Reiki l Class is Self-Healing. You can connect to the Higher Frequency Healing Energy all around us and fill yourself up everyday! When you to choose to share Healing from this filled-up place, the Energy will flow through you and not from you! It will feel Wonderful and Healing to you also.
As you move forward on the Reiki path, you will learn how to tap into your Intuitive abilities consciously AND how to stay Grounded. When you are Grounded, you will feel stable and balanced, and more able to handle the challenges around you. You can share your Gifts with the world and still feel Peaceful and Energized.
Sending Reiki Healing your way….Rickie
We live in a fast-paced, fast-food world. One of the many things I LOVE about Reiki is the reminder to stay Present and BE. No ruminating over the past, no worries about the future- just BEing in a place of Trust that all is in Perfect order. Remembering in the midst of challenges that they are for our growth, and that in retrospect we will Know their purpose in the Grander scheme of things. It is so important for our Balance to create the Gift of Honoring ourselves as a priority by allowing the TIME to do self Reiki and meditate on the Reiki Healing Principles every day.
There is, of course, no time in the energy realm, but we we need to live and function on this earth. It is very easy to get so absorbed in day-to-day routines and distracted by life’s details. We often forget to make time to even Breathe deeply filling ourselves with precious life-force Healing Energy. Healing is a process- levels, layers and spirals. Deep, juicy and delicious, although not always fun or easy. It is the path to our Enlightenment and getting to the Source of our Healing so that we don’t need to keep being presented with the same lessons over and over in different forms with different faces.
This is what allows us to be a Healing presence for others. It is always about Service. Loving Service from a Healthy, filled-up place. No draining, no resentment- our Choice.
Some students (and teachers) want the faster road, shorter path, less expensive path. There is no one right answer for everyone. Be clear with your intentions. Choosing a Reiki master, and especially a teacher is a very important decision. It is a forever connection. Be sure that you Resonate with their energy, their words, and their philosophies. Being a Reiki master is way more than just learning how to share attunements, it is way more than a piece of paper that says you are. It is choosing to Live in Conscious integrity with the Reiki Healing Principles- Living and Sharing Reiki with your entire BE-ing. It isn’t about Perfection or there would be no teachers- it is about the constant Loving work of clearing away all that masks your TRUE SELF. A never-ending process. No rush, slow down and digest it slowly and completely….
Love and Namaste’, Rickie
I attended the Mid-Atlantic Reiki Conference this weekend. Always so Wonderful to be surrounded by Positive Loving Energy as we all Learn, Grow and support each other. Reiki itself Blossoms as you use it and incorporate it into your everyday world. The more you use it, the stronger it flows. The more your Share it, the more Powerful it becomes for ourselves, each other and the World. There is no competition, no “Better” Reiki, no “Higher” Reiki – Everyone finds their own way to the Source of all Connecting Energy. It really is “All Good”!
I really enjoyed the variety of topics presented at this conference. The first was “Animal Reiki”. Kathleen Lester, founder of the Animal Reiki Alliance, is already teaching Animal Reiki in ReikiSpace. I did learn about a couple of her other offerings that may be of interest in ReikiSpace – “Animal Communication for Reiki Healers” and Crystal Healing for Animals”. Does either of those interest YOU?
Presenting next were Susan Lieberman and Andrea Grace, founders of the Natural Healing Alliance, a non-profit organization to help promote Professionalism including Ethics Training, Standards of Practice, Infection Control, Informed Consent, Re-certification, and Practice Guidelines. There was discussion about the legalities concerning the language we use discussing Reiki. I resonated with that, and I spend quite a bit of time with my Reiki lllA Master/Practitioner students practicing how to share Reiki with meaningful words in various scenarios. We also discussed the legalities of practice related to the “License to Touch”. This has been cropping up in near-by states and is something we need to watch closely. Thankfully, as a P.T., I am covered.
The Keynote Speaker was Mari Hall, sharing “In the Heart of Reiki, There is Only Love”. Her personal Transformation Stories were Inspirational, and she has attuned over 50,000 students to Reiki! (Made me wish I have been keeping count…)
Following a Deeply Meditative Sound Immersion with Patricia Norton, there was an Excellent Panel Discussion on “Healthcare Programs that Incorporate Reiki”. The panel included Dr. Harold Bob, MD, Luann Jacobs Speech/Language Pathologist, and Donna Audia RN- all also Reiki Masters. In traditional Medical Settings, the topic of Languaging Reiki comes up again. Thankfully, coming from a more traditional practice, this is something I am very comfortable with. The biggest continuing question is who pays for Reiki Professionals in these settings. There are several prominent Medical Centers already offering CAM, and some reputable research, although there is alot more work to be done in this are. Please ask me if you’d like more info about existing programs or Reiki Research.
The final presentation by Paula Michal-Johnson included amazing photos from her recent pilgrimage to Japan including Mt. Kurama.
Part of my Reiki Mission is to help educate people to understand the Simplicity of Reiki in a Positive, Loving and Grounded way. There are many misconceptions floating around about Reiki. The following are some questions that clients and students have asked. Please feel free to send me your own!
“What the heck is Reiki?” Reiki is a very Gentle and Deeply Relaxing hands-on Healing originally from Japan primarily for Stress Management and Balance. When our systems are in a better Balance, they can help us heal naturally like we’re designed to do. YOUR body decides what you need, where it goes and what you’re ready for.
“Aren’t you Drained after you do this?” No! One of the Unique things about Reiki is that you never give away any of your personal energy, and you never take on anyone else’s stuff! I call it an E.M.S. – Energy Management System. The energy just flows through me, and feels wonderful to me also!
“Can Reiki help with ____(fill in the blank)”? I don’t get to decide what happens in your Reiki Session. Your body draws whatever energy you need to bring yourself into a better place of Balance. Whatever happens is always for your Highest Good and Greatest Joy! Sometimes Reiki will take away your symptoms, and sometimes it will bring to your attention what you need to look at in your life to move forwards in a Healthy way. Symptoms are your body’s way of speaking to you to help you get the message. You always have Free Will to pay attention to the messages or not. If you do, often your body doesn’t need to continue “talking” so loud!
“I’m pregnant- can I do Reiki?” YES! Reiki is Gentle, non-invasive and perfectly safe for you and your baby. Everyone can tolerate Reiki from the tiniest infant to the elderly even in the dying process.
“Now that I took a Reiki Class and can Reiki myself, do I still need to come for sessions?” Yes, both are very important parts of Reiki. Daily self Reiki is recommended, and is a wonderful way to start and end your day, but you still need to be active in that process. When you receive a full Reiki Session from someone else, you allow yourself to Relax, be open and Receive- it is a different experience. Both are important parts of Reiki. As you move forwards on the Reiki path you begin to LIVE Reiki- being conscious of the energy of your words, thoughts, attitudes and emotions and how it affects you, others and the world.
Sending you Love, Peace and Gratitude….
I began learning Reiki over 20 years ago! I thought that each level Reiki class I took would be as far as I would need to go. I Loved every class, and felt the Powerful and Deeply Healing Benefits. I honestly never thought I would teach (seems funny to me now). The thought of creating a manual felt daunting to me. Computers weren’t a thought then, and I could barely type. I only knew that I could not just hand out someone else’s manual. I knew that it had to contain my energy, and that I needed to resonate with every word. My manuals (Thanks to Todd Krill, Grey Matter Graphics) as well as my teaching style continues to evolve and progress with my confidence, experience and wisdom. I am always clear to distinguish which is the Reiki and which is the Rickie when I teach. Everyone brings a little of themselves to the work, AND the basic elements of each level Reiki Class needs to stay pure.
I believe that everyone is attracted to exactly who they need to be with, therefore there is never any competition in this work. It is always Amazing and Beautiful to watch as students realize that they are all meant to be together at that particular time, and observe all the inter-connections. Perfect Synchronicity!
There is no “Right and Wrong” in any of this. The following are ways that resonate with me and my style of teaching.
I teach my Reiki classes primarily in one day. It is a long and full day, but Relaxing, Peaceful and very Healing. This seems to work best logistically for most people. I want my classes to be accessible and valued. I try to keep my rates affordable, but again valuable. This is an important and Sacred commitment.
I like to teach my classes in small groups. That way students get to experience each other’s energy. Energy increases exponentially, so each student has a more powerful experience, and are able to “feel it” more within the group.
I believe that each level of Reiki takes time to process and integrate. You need to use your Reiki every day, and it will teach you more than any teacher or book ever could! I recommend allowing at least three weeks between Reiki l and ll, and six to nine months between Reiki ll and the Master level.
I have prerequisites for my Master training classes. I take this commitment very seriously. Master Training is MUCH more than just learning how to share to the Attunements. It is Living Reiki with every thought, word, attitude and emotion, and taking responsibility for the Energy you radiate every day. It is LIVING the Reiki Healing Principles.
I know Healing Energy can be shared long distance, and we learn how to share that in Reiki level ll. I do not personally believe that long-distance attunments are Usui Reiki. The definition of an Usui Reiki Attunement involves working in your energy field and includes physical touch.
Again, I want to emphasize that this is strictly the way Reiki resonates with me. Others choose other ways. The essence of Reiki is always non-judgmental, unconditional Love and Acceptance.
Peace and Namaste’