Thanks to my good friend Joyce Edmiston, my recent interview by Amy Kehm on the ABC Channel 27 News program Good Day PA was transcribed Teresa Russ, professional captionist. There will be captions available for the video soon, as well.
ABC Channel 27 News
An Interview with Rickie Freedman
Reiki By Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place
GOOD DAY PA: When it comes to healing techniques like Reiki, I think some people are skeptical of whether or not the practice actually works, but for some, it has a profound effect on their health and well being. Rickie Freedman is the owner of Reiki by Rickie, and she is here to get us on board with it.
Honestly, before I met you and experienced it, I wasn’t really sure what Reiki was; so I’m sure there’s lots of folks that feel that way; so what is it, Rickie?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: True. A lot of people are skeptical the first time that they try it, and it’s very much an experience – once you feel it, then you understand it. Reiki is a very gentle and very deeply relaxing hands on healing. It was originally from Japan, primarily for stress management, and we know that stress underlies probably 90 some percent of doctor’s visits.
Helping people relax is a very deeply healing experience itself; so Reiki helps to balance your energy, and then you feel more peaceful and able to handle all the stresses around you and in a much more calm way.
GOOD DAY PA: I mean, what is a session like? What happens during a session?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Reiki is a very comfortable session. You get to be fully clothed. You’re on a massage table, and there’s absolutely nothing that you need to do, think about or try. You get to just relax and allow and be. It consists of a gentle light touch and also some balancing in your energy. Reiki is an energy balancing. A lot of people can feel that even though I’m not physically touching them. GOOD DAY PA: Yes, you had described that to me.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: So people describe feelings of warmth, tingling, sometimes vibration. Many people fall asleep or go to a very deep meditative state where your mind is finally quieted and that is a very healing place to be.
GOOD DAY PA: Well, Rickie was so nice. She actually let me come experience it before your appearance here on the show. I found it very relaxing, and I told you that, when you were doing this with me, I did feel like my face felt warm at some point, you know, and now I was under a nice cozy blanket, which was lovely, but I did feel that warmth.
It just felt so relaxing like I could have just zoned out from everyday life for a little bit. Do other folks share the similar experience?
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Absolutely, yes, and that deep sense of peace and calm and relaxation is a very common after effective Reiki, and when you go back out into the world with that more peaceful centered place, you’re able to handle all the stresses around you much easier, and so Reiki can be experienced by everyone.
Everyone can tolerate Reiki because of how gentle it is; so from the tiniest little newborn infants, to women who are pregnant, even people on a hospice program because of how gentle it is. It can help bring a more peaceful acceptance, also can help with pain or side effects of medication.
GOOD DAY PA: Well, I want to get to the special event that is coming up. This is really neat. I mean, who doesn’t love a fun time at sea so tell me about this.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: This is a really unusual opportunity. Next January, January 16th of 2016, I’m co-producing the Healing Water Holistic Cruise with Scott Travel in Mechaicsburg; so in addition to all the regular cruise and fun and activities, you’ll get to experience the work of six healers and practitioners as they share sessions and workshops onboard —
GOOD DAY PA: Now, another thing our audience — excuse me — might be interested in is a special offer you have just for the Day PA viewers today.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: That’s right. Anyone who contacts me by the end of this month we can get you scheduled for your first session in ReikiSpace & Learning Place, and you’ll receive a ten-dollar discount.
GOOD DAY PA: Woohoo! Ten-dollar discount. Love when folks bring offers for our viewers.
It was lovely having you on the show today. You’re going to come back with us to share more about this in the coming weeks.
RICKIE FREEDMAN: Looking forward to it.
GOOD DAY PA: Okay. Rickie, good to see you. We’ll see you again soon.
[End of Transcript]
Transcribed by:
I’m very excited to share the Gentle Touch and Deep Healing of Reiki to a broader audience, as I was interviewed on ABC27 Good Day PA this week. I want everyone to know how Peaceful and Natural this is, so that Reiki becomes a household word!
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Joy and Namaste’, Rickie