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“The Source is the Source, of course, of course!”

Category/Tag Archives: "Energy"

“The Source is the Source, of course, of course!”

February 15, 2015
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , , — admin11:04 pm

I have come to understand a personal Truth about Energy (as it  is for me) that I’d like to share with you.

It is said with Reiki that “The more you use it, the stronger it flows”. (I have said this many times myself, because indeed this is what it feels like).  Sharing Reiki every day consciously I have come to the following new interpretation. What I Believe is that “The Source is the Source, of course, or course”- In other words I perceive the Source of the Energy as the Highest Frequency Vibration. If this is true, then the Reiki isn’t getting stronger. What is changing is US! As we release more and more layers of what is not our True Essence , we come closer to the Truth of who we really are (Unconditional Love). As we become clearer , the Source Energy is able to flow through us clearer, and we are more able to connect with it.

I also Believe, therefore, that there is no “Next Level”, no Higher Vibration of another name. We just continue to become more deeply healed, more of who we are truly meant to be, more of our True Self. From this place, we are consciously able to connect to the Energy that connects us all and share it freely. Others FEEL it more strongly as well.

I Know that as I continue with my personal healing, self Reiki, receiving Reiki and sharing Reiki, my understanding may continue to expand and shift. I am open to all possibilities.

Love, Light and Joy, Rickie

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I don’t DO Reiki!

January 19, 2015
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , — admin3:24 am

I was recently Honored to be the speaker at a Networking Gathering for Natural Awakenings magazine. I shared my story of gradually transitioning from Physical Therapist to full time Reiki Master/Teacher. I shared the process of envisioning , manifesting and creating ReikiSpace & Learning Place. I talked about my Heart Centered, Service first Business philosophy. They also wanted to hear how I share about Reiki with my words keeping it grounded and relatable to various audiences.

What I said next really surprised them ~ “I don’t DO Reiki!” After a few moments I added “I LIVE Reiki!”. I am consciously aware of the Energy of every word, thought, emotion and attitude and how it affects me, others and the world. I AM Reiki, I exude Reiki. I Trust that when I enter a space radiating Light, that anything less than Light will either be Healed by the Light, or will go away.

Living by the Reiki Healing Principles is about living in total Integrity, allowing myself to fully experience every emotion, and then CHOOSING to return to my place of Peace. I allowed them to feel how quickly they can shift their energy by closing their eyes, consciously breathing in Light, Love and Healing Energy, and allowing themselves to be filled to overflowing. Everyone can do this, and choose Love instead of fear.

This is the path of a Reiki Master. BEing of Service. Revealing more and more of our True Selves for the Highest Good of all. Namaste’.

With Love, Joy and Gratitude, Rickie

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Happy New ??

January 1, 2015
Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — admin9:17 pm

Many publications this time of year focus on “New Year- New You” themes. The Truth is we need to clear away what is blocking or hiding the Perfect YOU that is already and always there! Reveal the Truth of who you really are under the fears, the old messages that no longer serve you, the protection that you’ve held onto, but no longer really need….We are Perfectly Imperfect Divinity Learning, Growing, and Shifting as we gain Wisdom and Clarity. The Never-ending Journey – there is no “There”…..

Here are my Loving Intentions for all:

May you REMEMBER what you Love, what Sparks you, and brings you endless, timeless Joy. Consciously Create more time for that in your life.

May you be Gentle with yourself as you step forwards in a new direction and try a new way.

May you Forgive yourself and others for the sake of Peace.

May you remember that we are all doing the Best that we can with the Knowledge, Wisdom and Experiences we bring to this moment. This will allow you to see with the eyes of Compassion

May you know how precious your Energy is, and Choose Loving and Peaceful speech, thoughts and attitudes every day. May you attract the same.

May you remember that life’s challenging people and situations are a GIFT to help you learn and move forwards in ways that you wouldn’t have chosen on your own.

May you find the Perfect Balance of Quiet Introspection, Service, Connection, Laughter and PLAY . Enjoy this Amazing  and Interesting Ride!

Celebrating your Revelation of More YOU!



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Gratitude- It’s not just for Thanksgiving!

November 26, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , , — admin2:36 am

Attitudes are contagious- is yours worth catching? Whether we are conscious of it or not, every thought, word, attitude and emotion carries energy and affects how we feel, our immune system and our wellness. This energy also radiates to affect others around us. Gratitude is a high frequency vibration and has the potential to help you attract more of what you want in your life- more Abundance, more Peace and more Joy! In fact, studies show that Positive Attitudes can increase life expectancy by ten years. It is physiologically impossible to be stressed or fearful and Grateful in the same moment!

So how can you maintain an Attitude of Gratitude in the midst of life’s everyday challenges? One of the ways that is recommended in all the readings on Gratitude, is to start a Gratitude Journal. Purchase or create a Beautiful journal that you love. Every morning and every evening write 3-5 things that you feel Grateful for. You will be starting and ending each day on a Positive note. You will also find yourself looking for things during the day to put in your Gratitude Journal, which will keep you focused on it. The University of California performed a long-term study on the power of Gratitude. During their studies, they discovered that people who write Gratitude journals and practiced being more grateful on a regular basis:

What you focus on, you will see more of. When you remember to say “Thank You” for all your many Blessings large and small, you will attract more to be Thankful for!

“Gratitude opens our Hearts and Minds. It instantly connects us to the present moment. It feels absolutely wonderful. The fact that Gratitude is so easy to come by gives us one more reason to be Grateful!”        Raphael Cushnir

Thank you to Sylvia Hepler, for inviting me to share this post as a guest blogger at

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Just for Today…

August 4, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , , , , — admin12:48 am

Each Reiki class I teach, I ask my students “What are the three main parts of the Usui Reiki System of Healing?”

They always come up with the first two – Self Healing, and Sharing Healing with others. Then they get stuck…

The third and equally important part , that is often glossed over, is Living by the Reiki Healing Principles:

Just for Today, I Release all Worry

Just for Today, I Release all Anger

I Honor Every Living Thing

I earn my Living with Integrity

I show Gratitude for all my many Blessings!

These principles are designed based on the fact that every word, thought, attitude and emotion carries energy, and affects not only your personal energy and immune system, but those around you, and the world! It is recommended to recite these principles every morning and evening to remind ourselves of the importance of keeping our Vibration high, so that we can continue to be a Healing Presence in the world.

They remind us to stay Present, because ruminating over things from the past drains our energy, as will worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future. They remind us that we are all Connected. They remind us to Honor our Life’s Purpose and our Core Values. When we make choices that are not in Integrity, our bodies will speak for us in the form of symptoms to try and help us learn, and get back on track.  They help us remember to say “Thank You” for all that we already have to be Grateful for, so that we can continue to attract Abundance – of Love, Peace, Joy, and Wellness .

I am personally especially aware and sensitive to the Vibration of words, and have adopted the following “Rickie Healing Principles”:

In this Moment, I CHOOSE Faith; and In this Moment, I CHOOSE Peace…

Feel free to use them if they resonate with you.

Much Love and Many Blessings Always, Rickie

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Sharing the Love

July 28, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , — admin12:22 am

I have a reputation for my Positive, Inspiring messages on Facebook. I only post and Like messages that I fully resonate with. I Know that every thought, word, attitude and emotion carries Energy, and I choose to help raise the Vibration, and bring more Light into the world.

This week, I decided to try something Fun! I posted the following:

“Let’s create a LOVE story! Each add one line using Positive, Loving words, thoughts, emotions, and keep the story going…..
Once upon a time…..”

Here is the Beautiful story that unfolded, one line at a time. I Loved it so much that I wanted to share it with you.

“Once upon a time there lived a gentle and spiritual couple who wanted to change the world, and they loved dancing! They opened their home to those seeking answers and a warm meal, and filled their world with laughter and love. Today they will welcome a beautiful baby boy who will help so many more people feel the love around him. They decided to name him Robert! He will help bring Peace to the world and conquer fear from the heart. He will inspire unconditional love and bring happiness to all around him.

The years flew by, and their son grew into a warm and caring young man. He met a girl. She was gentle and kind, and brought Grace and ease. She built them a house, and baked a cherry pie for dinner. She was a Loving, generous woman adding such joy to the family. She was filled with love and light. Of course, they will soon be gifted with Reiki attunements so they can continue to spread light and love across the world. Their positive energy waves did not ebb and flow, but continued on in a continuous stream which flowed to the North, South, East and West bringing a sense of connection to all things, living and seemingly inanimate; bringing Unconditional love for all who were in sorrow, anger, poverty,depression, and oppression. Then the word came…LOVE! They set out to spread it to all over the paths of everyone around them. And Love is all there is!” The End…

Didn’t my Facebook friends do a Wonderful job! Feel free to “Like” my Reiki By Rickie page at if you could use some more Positive reminders to keep your spirits raised.

Much Love and Joy, Rickie



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