Each Reiki class I teach, I ask my students “What are the three main parts of the Usui Reiki System of Healing?”
They always come up with the first two – Self Healing, and Sharing Healing with others. Then they get stuck…
The third and equally important part , that is often glossed over, is Living by the Reiki Healing Principles:
Just for Today, I Release all Worry
Just for Today, I Release all Anger
I Honor Every Living Thing
I earn my Living with Integrity
I show Gratitude for all my many Blessings!
These principles are designed based on the fact that every word, thought, attitude and emotion carries energy, and affects not only your personal energy and immune system, but those around you, and the world! It is recommended to recite these principles every morning and evening to remind ourselves of the importance of keeping our Vibration high, so that we can continue to be a Healing Presence in the world.
They remind us to stay Present, because ruminating over things from the past drains our energy, as will worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future. They remind us that we are all Connected. They remind us to Honor our Life’s Purpose and our Core Values. When we make choices that are not in Integrity, our bodies will speak for us in the form of symptoms to try and help us learn, and get back on track. They help us remember to say “Thank You” for all that we already have to be Grateful for, so that we can continue to attract Abundance – of Love, Peace, Joy, and Wellness .
I am personally especially aware and sensitive to the Vibration of words, and have adopted the following “Rickie Healing Principles”:
In this Moment, I CHOOSE Faith; and In this Moment, I CHOOSE Peace…
Feel free to use them if they resonate with you.
Much Love and Many Blessings Always, Rickie
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