Many publications this time of year focus on “New Year- New You” themes. The Truth is we need to clear away what is blocking or hiding the Perfect YOU that is already and always there! Reveal the Truth of who you really are under the fears, the old messages that no longer serve you, the protection that you’ve held onto, but no longer really need….We are Perfectly Imperfect Divinity Learning, Growing, and Shifting as we gain Wisdom and Clarity. The Never-ending Journey – there is no “There”…..
Here are my Loving Intentions for all:
May you REMEMBER what you Love, what Sparks you, and brings you endless, timeless Joy. Consciously Create more time for that in your life.
May you be Gentle with yourself as you step forwards in a new direction and try a new way.
May you Forgive yourself and others for the sake of Peace.
May you remember that we are all doing the Best that we can with the Knowledge, Wisdom and Experiences we bring to this moment. This will allow you to see with the eyes of Compassion
May you know how precious your Energy is, and Choose Loving and Peaceful speech, thoughts and attitudes every day. May you attract the same.
May you remember that life’s challenging people and situations are a GIFT to help you learn and move forwards in ways that you wouldn’t have chosen on your own.
May you find the Perfect Balance of Quiet Introspection, Service, Connection, Laughter and PLAY . Enjoy this Amazing and Interesting Ride!
Celebrating your Revelation of More YOU!
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