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Reiki Frequently Asked Questions

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Reiki Frequently Asked Questions

October 19, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , , , — admin10:03 pm

Part of my Reiki Mission is to help educate people to understand the Simplicity of Reiki in a Positive, Loving and Grounded way. There are many misconceptions floating around about Reiki. The following are some questions that clients and students have asked. Please feel free to send me your own!

“What the heck is Reiki?” Reiki is a very Gentle and Deeply Relaxing hands-on Healing originally from Japan primarily for Stress Management and Balance. When our systems are in a better Balance, they can help us heal naturally like we’re designed to do. YOUR body decides what you need, where it goes and what you’re ready for.

“Aren’t you Drained after you do this?” No! One of the Unique things about Reiki is that you never give away any of your personal energy, and you never take on anyone else’s stuff! I call it an E.M.S. – Energy Management System. The energy just flows through me, and feels wonderful to me also!

“Can Reiki help with ____(fill in the blank)”? I don’t get to decide what happens in your Reiki Session. Your body draws whatever energy you need to bring yourself into a better place of Balance. Whatever happens is always for your Highest Good and Greatest Joy! Sometimes Reiki will take away your symptoms, and sometimes it will bring to your attention what you need to look at in your life to move forwards in a Healthy way. Symptoms are your body’s way of speaking to you to help you get the message. You always have Free Will to pay attention to the messages or not. If you do, often your body doesn’t need to continue “talking” so loud!

“I’m pregnant- can I do Reiki?” YES! Reiki is Gentle, non-invasive and perfectly safe for you and your baby. Everyone can tolerate Reiki from the tiniest infant to the elderly even in the dying process.

“Now that I took a Reiki Class and can Reiki myself, do I still need to come for sessions?” Yes, both are very important parts of Reiki. Daily self Reiki is recommended, and is a wonderful way to start and end your day, but you still need to be active in that process. When you receive a full Reiki Session from someone else, you allow yourself to Relax, be open and Receive- it is a different experience. Both are important parts of Reiki. As you move forwards on the Reiki path you begin to LIVE Reiki- being conscious of the energy of your words, thoughts, attitudes and emotions and how it affects you, others and the world.

Sending you Love, Peace and Gratitude….

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The Reiki and the Rickie (My Personal Reiki Teaching Philosophy)

September 15, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , — admin1:55 am

I began learning Reiki over 20 years ago! I thought that each level Reiki class I took would be as far as I would need to go. I Loved every class, and felt the Powerful and Deeply Healing Benefits. I honestly never thought I would teach (seems funny to me now). The thought of creating a manual felt daunting to me. Computers weren’t a thought then, and I could barely type. I only knew that I could not just hand out someone else’s manual. I knew that it had to contain my energy, and that I needed to resonate with every word. My manuals (Thanks to Todd Krill, Grey Matter Graphics) as well as my teaching style continues to evolve and progress with my confidence, experience and wisdom. I am always clear to distinguish which is the Reiki and which is the Rickie when I teach. Everyone brings a little of themselves to the work, AND the basic elements of each level Reiki Class needs to stay pure.

I believe that everyone is attracted to exactly who they need to be with, therefore there is never any competition in this work. It is always Amazing and Beautiful to watch as students realize that they are all meant to be together at that particular time, and observe all the inter-connections. Perfect Synchronicity!

There is no “Right and Wrong” in any of this. The following are ways that resonate with me and my style of teaching.

I teach my Reiki classes primarily in one day. It is a long and full day, but Relaxing, Peaceful and very Healing. This seems to work best logistically for most people. I want my classes to be accessible and valued. I try to keep my rates affordable, but again valuable. This is an important and Sacred commitment.

I like to teach my classes in small groups. That way students get to experience each other’s energy. Energy increases exponentially, so each student has a more powerful experience, and are able to “feel it” more within the group.

I believe that each level of Reiki takes time to process and integrate. You need to use your Reiki every day, and it will teach you more than any teacher or book ever could! I recommend allowing at least three weeks between Reiki l and ll, and six to nine months between Reiki ll and the Master level.

I have prerequisites for my Master training classes. I take this commitment very seriously. Master Training is MUCH more than just learning how to share to the Attunements. It is Living Reiki with every thought, word, attitude and emotion, and taking responsibility for the Energy you radiate every day. It is LIVING the Reiki Healing Principles.

I know Healing Energy can be shared long distance, and we learn how to share that in Reiki level ll. I do not personally believe that long-distance attunments are Usui Reiki. The definition of an Usui Reiki Attunement involves working in your energy field and includes physical touch.

Again, I want to emphasize that this is strictly the way Reiki resonates with me. Others choose other ways. The essence of Reiki is always non-judgmental, unconditional Love and Acceptance.

Peace and Namaste’

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Just for Today…

August 4, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , , , , — admin12:48 am

Each Reiki class I teach, I ask my students “What are the three main parts of the Usui Reiki System of Healing?”

They always come up with the first two – Self Healing, and Sharing Healing with others. Then they get stuck…

The third and equally important part , that is often glossed over, is Living by the Reiki Healing Principles:

Just for Today, I Release all Worry

Just for Today, I Release all Anger

I Honor Every Living Thing

I earn my Living with Integrity

I show Gratitude for all my many Blessings!

These principles are designed based on the fact that every word, thought, attitude and emotion carries energy, and affects not only your personal energy and immune system, but those around you, and the world! It is recommended to recite these principles every morning and evening to remind ourselves of the importance of keeping our Vibration high, so that we can continue to be a Healing Presence in the world.

They remind us to stay Present, because ruminating over things from the past drains our energy, as will worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future. They remind us that we are all Connected. They remind us to Honor our Life’s Purpose and our Core Values. When we make choices that are not in Integrity, our bodies will speak for us in the form of symptoms to try and help us learn, and get back on track.  They help us remember to say “Thank You” for all that we already have to be Grateful for, so that we can continue to attract Abundance – of Love, Peace, Joy, and Wellness .

I am personally especially aware and sensitive to the Vibration of words, and have adopted the following “Rickie Healing Principles”:

In this Moment, I CHOOSE Faith; and In this Moment, I CHOOSE Peace…

Feel free to use them if they resonate with you.

Much Love and Many Blessings Always, Rickie

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Sharing the Love

July 28, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , , — admin12:22 am

I have a reputation for my Positive, Inspiring messages on Facebook. I only post and Like messages that I fully resonate with. I Know that every thought, word, attitude and emotion carries Energy, and I choose to help raise the Vibration, and bring more Light into the world.

This week, I decided to try something Fun! I posted the following:

“Let’s create a LOVE story! Each add one line using Positive, Loving words, thoughts, emotions, and keep the story going…..
Once upon a time…..”

Here is the Beautiful story that unfolded, one line at a time. I Loved it so much that I wanted to share it with you.

“Once upon a time there lived a gentle and spiritual couple who wanted to change the world, and they loved dancing! They opened their home to those seeking answers and a warm meal, and filled their world with laughter and love. Today they will welcome a beautiful baby boy who will help so many more people feel the love around him. They decided to name him Robert! He will help bring Peace to the world and conquer fear from the heart. He will inspire unconditional love and bring happiness to all around him.

The years flew by, and their son grew into a warm and caring young man. He met a girl. She was gentle and kind, and brought Grace and ease. She built them a house, and baked a cherry pie for dinner. She was a Loving, generous woman adding such joy to the family. She was filled with love and light. Of course, they will soon be gifted with Reiki attunements so they can continue to spread light and love across the world. Their positive energy waves did not ebb and flow, but continued on in a continuous stream which flowed to the North, South, East and West bringing a sense of connection to all things, living and seemingly inanimate; bringing Unconditional love for all who were in sorrow, anger, poverty,depression, and oppression. Then the word came…LOVE! They set out to spread it to all over the paths of everyone around them. And Love is all there is!” The End…

Didn’t my Facebook friends do a Wonderful job! Feel free to “Like” my Reiki By Rickie page at if you could use some more Positive reminders to keep your spirits raised.

Much Love and Joy, Rickie



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Where do I Begin…

July 21, 2014
Filed under: Reiki — Tags: , , , — admin12:34 pm

I have been wanting to start a blog for a very long time, and I’m so excited to be actually beginning! I have SO much I want to share with you – about the Rickie, AND the Reiki (They are one and the same, you know!). I am always open to your ideas, suggestions and questions. I want this to valuable and enjoyable for YOU!

I am very Blessed to KNOW that I am following my purpose and my path. After all- I’m a girl named Rickie! I fully believe that after all the years of being accidentally placed in BOYS gym, BOYS choir etc, that my name was a wake-up call to my purpose.
As a child, I was always the Peacemaker in my family, and I have been empathic since I was a baby. I grew up wanting to help people, and pursued a career in Physical Therapy. I LOVED PT, because I LOVE people! My PT background and knowledge continues to serve me well in my Reiki work, allowing me to more deeply understand pain issues, postural imbalance etc. It gives me credibility, and I am able to relate well with other traditional healthcare workers and professionals.
I began to learn Reiki in 1994 initially for my own personal emotional healing. Reiki self-healing is an important and powerful tool in your own hands. I was very quickly drawn to sharing it with others, especially co-workers where I was doing my PT work. My first Reiki table was a gift, and that sparked me to create a Reiki room in my home. I hand stamped every business card to have my personal energy into them! I didn’t charge a fee- I just had a LOVE Donation box for people to put in whatever they felt comfortable with.
My first professional space was called Lavender Heart. It is was here that I learned that when you believe in something with your whole being, as I do Reiki, that people feel and are attracted to that energy! My Reiki practice began to grow, and I found myself doing less and less physical therapy.
Jumping ahead, I moved to Harrisburg five and a half years ago, knowing one person. I felt very guided that coming here was the next step for me (and Reiki), and I have been doing Reiki full- time ever since. I created Reiki by Rickie ~ ReikiSpace & Learning Place 4/1/13. I now have a very busy personal practice, 14 ReikiSpace Practitioners all trained by me, a Mentorship program and an active Classroom/Workshop/Event space all in a beautiful, peaceful setting that is both nurturing and professional. Everyone who comes in can feel the energy right away. I am Home…..
Filled with Love and Gratitude, Rickie

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