Date(s) - Sun 2/3/2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
ReikiSpace & Learning Place
2793 Old Post Rd., Suite 10
Harrisburg, PA 17110
This unique opportunity is for any degree Reiki practitioner. This 8 hour class wil introduce you to beginning to use the power of your voice to complement and enhance your Reiki sessions. You do not need to have any musical or vocal training. You do not need to be a singer. ReikiVoice™ is not about carrying a tune or sounding pretty or performing vocally. We will cover a simple technique for you to practice to break through fear and ego that hold us back from using our voice as the most powerful healing instrument of all. This class fills quickly. This curriculum evolved from the original VoiceSpeak class held in 2010.
Topics and practices covered:
Why and How You’ll Engage and Empower Your Clients’ Voices
Assessing Qualities in the Voice
The Tone, The Hum and The Light Language
Tuning The Body with Vocal Harmonics
Introduction to the original sounds of Reiki, the Kotodama
Your New Voice for the New Earth, going from 3D to 5D and Beyond
Frame Drum Voice
Lana Ryder has been sharing the healing power of sound, voice and music for 43 years. She studied voice with Margaret Moul Carli, Larry Carey and Sandra Stouffer, and taught beginner voice for several years. She has sung as a professional vocalist in numerous bands, was worship music director and choir director at several churches, and traveled throughout the Mid-Atlantic in solo music ministry. She is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage and Energy Therapist for 23 years, Ordained Minister, former faculty member of area massage schools, writer, teacher and perpetual student. Lana is creator of ReikiSound™, ReikiVoice™, and Introduction to the Fundamentals for Beginning to Use Sound, Voice and Music in the Healing Arts, as well as the student manuals for each. Both ReikiSound and ReikiVoice came from her original curriculum and manuals introducing bodyworkers, healthcare providers and energy practitioners to sound therapy beginning in 2001. This later became known as VoiceSpeak and then ReikiSound and ReikiVoice. Because of Lana’s committment to her own education, both the manuals and curriculum are updated continually. Bringing her 25 years of training and education in the allopathic health care field into her holistic practice benefits her students and clients in offering them the best of both worlds. She is a practicing sound therapist since 2001 and has been blessed to study with some of the most respected, well-known teachers in the field over the past 17 years. Lana was founder and director of Tree of Life Healing Associates, LLC for eleven years in successful private practice. She is former Clinical Coordinator of Massage and Body Therapies at Wellspan’s Center for Mind Body Healthy, WellSpan/York Hospital, Pa. Lana is also a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, teaching her students and clients about the energies of food and lifestyle choices. Most recently she joined the Board of Directors for the Interdisciplinary Society for Qualitative Research in Music and Medicine. She comes from a long line of professional musicians and healers and is honored to carry on the healing music tradition in helping to make our world a more peaceful, compassionate place to live for all living beings. “All of Life Is Music”
Your Investment of $175 includes ReikiVoice™ Manual, Certificate of Completion, individual follow up session or phone consult with Instructor, and plenty of practice time in class.
This event is fully booked.