Date(s) - Sun 7/9/2023
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
ReikiSpace & Learning Place
2793 Old Post Rd., Suite 10
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Spirit communicates with us through the natural world all the time. We have become so disconnected from Earth’s messages in our modern way of living. Join Stacey Leigh in this workshop to reconnect you to your animal spirit guides. Each animal holds its own energy. This energy is available to us to assist us on our life path to heal and protect. Join Stacey Leigh as she talks about the origins and history surrounding the use of animal spirit energy. This workshop is designed to help you discover which animals are trying to get your attention, how to honor and use them in your life. Please dress comfortably, bring a mat or blanket for sitting and a journal to record any messages you may receive.
Workshop will include:
-History and Origins surrounding Animal Spirit Guides
-Guidance Drumming Meditation Journey (30 minutes)
-Discovery of your person animal guides, including your power and shadow animal
-How to interpret the messages from animal spirits
-How to bring animal spirit wisdom and energy in your everyday life
Stacey Leigh is a Reiki Master, Psychic Earth Whisper, and Yogi. Stacey is currently a mental health counselor working on completing a Master’s in Clinical Social Work. Stacey was drawn toward healing arts as she journeyed through the process of healing from her trauma and now guides others in finding their inner strength and confidence to live their best life. She is a self-taught Tarot and Oracle Card reader with over ten years of experience helping others find their path through channeling the cards, coaching, and empowering them to find their inner power and wisdom. Stacey is a student of Astrology and Earth-based Magick using guidance from the Zodiac, planets, stars, elements, forest, trees, nature, and animals. Her guides are Gaia, The Wolf, The Eagle, The Otter, and The Sea Turtle.
Bookings are closed for this event.