Date(s) - Thu 3/5/2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
ReikiSpace & Learning Place
2793 Old Post Rd., Suite 10
Harrisburg, PA 17110
The how of “just let it go” is often overlooked… every one of us knows that’s what we need to do, however it’s simple, not easy. The untrained, unobserved mind is more dangerous than a nuclear weapon.. the stories we create, the drama we fall into, the decisions and choices we make when we’re not centered and calm… the damage feels insurmountable. I know first hand as a young man who dealt with anger.. a character trait not suitable for a Buddhist monk. My journey of personal transformation is what I use to teach us all how to observe our mind and emotions and then use the data from that inner observation to find and transform our decision making still point. The result is a life where the crazy thoughts and highs and lows of emotion aren’t gone, instead they are understood and used as guideposts to help us re-find our center… which leads to a life of joy.
Bhante does his book signing after workshop and his Cds also available to purchase.
Bhante Sujatha, a 30+ year Buddhist Monk, is singularly focuses on adding more love in the world. Bhante teaches loving-kindness meditation to people around the globe for all those seeking the art of happiness and contentment. His approach to meditation is deep and simple, bringing core Buddhist teachings to everyone in a way that is practical and easy to understand. A joyful, radiant, funny and wildly energetic monk, Bhante will help you obtain peace that can only be found in deep silence. He is originally from Sri Lanka and is the head monk / abbot of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center in Woodstock, IL.
Bookings are closed for this event.